Doctor Who Podcasts are everywhere, it would seem even that strange little man at number 73 is making one. With so many to choose from how do we separate the Bedlington Terrier from the K-9, how do we decide which to give our precious time over too, after all we sadly don’t have a TARDIS to enable us to listen to every single podcast that is produced because our lives are full of...well of living. To enable you all to make an executive decision on your listening I’m going to do the listening for you and give you my view, a hopefully unbiased opinion of what goes on in the various casts.
This month Radio Rassilon. Radio Rassilon is a monthly podcast by two rather nice chaps..Leeson Fischer and Harry Medium, described on their website as a lighthearted, sideways look at Dr Who. Now I've been doing a bit of research I’ve listened to one or two episodes and I’ve talked to their fans....known as Rassifans, a very loyal bunch indeed. We’ll get back to them later. First let me tell you a little about what goes on in their sideways world.
Radio Rassilon to me is the perfect mix. It has two very amiable presenters in Harry and Leeson who have a brilliant rapport which will keep you interested with their humorous and factual look at the world of who. They are obviously massive fans themselves and this shows.In their latest episode they discuss The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe...they didn’t like it very much, I’m thinking not many staunch Whovians did. So then what do they talk about when there isn’t a recent episode of the Doctor to watch? Well, these boys aren’t fussy, they will talk about all manner of Who goodness. In episodes I’ve listened to they have discussed Classic Who DVD releases, audio books, book books and conventions they have attended.....and then of course there is IAM William, the youngest member of Radio Rassilon a review of which wouln’dt be complete without giving him a mention. IAMWilliams segment of the podcast is a small child's view on life, the universe and everything. I’ve heard him review the Tin-Tin movie and The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe, he didn’t care much for it either...I’ve also heard him bring Dangermouse to life, this little dude's tiny portion of the show is by far my favourite (sorry guys) but that’s the Mother in me and as we found out in The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe, Mothers RULE.
So in summary what do we get when we listen to Radio Rassilon in my opinion I think we get a professional sounding podcast, well edited with music and sounds. Interesting topics for fans of both Classic and New Who and the hosts are two very funny gentlemen who managed to keep me entertained through hours of listening. Radio Rassilon gets a massive thumbs up from Mother Who
Transcript from 'Mother Who's Podcast Review' broadcast on TalkingWho 29th February 2012
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