Sunday 8 April 2012

Mother Who's Podcast Review

Transcript of Mother Who's Podcast Review on The Ood Cast

This month I’ve been listening to The Ood Cast, podcast.  I’ve been thoroughly enjoying the researching I am doing so you don’t have to, The Ood Cast has four wonderful presenters  Andrew, Chris Alpha, Chris Sigma and Laura, I think it’s safe for me to say that although all four are staunch fans of Who, the three chaps are experts on Classic Who, with Laura being a huge fan of new Who and not such a big fan of Classic and she doesn’t mind admitting that she finds classic who a tad boring, which I love as I sometimes find that podcasts alienate (pardon the pun) fans who know little of Classic Who. The Ood Cast is a monthly podcast, although when Who is broadcasting on the telly box they produce a fortnightly show.  

The episodes I’ve listened to over the past week or two were all reviewing episodes of series 6.  The show comprises of skits of the episode they are reviewing with some not too shabby impersonations of our favourite Who characters.  It also has some Excellent sketches, which really did have me belly laughing and some wonderfully written songs. Having now listened to a few different Who podcasts I think so far the Ood cast for me is the most accessible.  I do not think you need to be a staunch Whovian who knows the name of the actor who played Tom Bakers Scarf to get pleasure from this cast.  It is so wonderfully written, the humour is very well pitched, I’ve listened with my 14year old daughter and my 8 year old son and both enjoyed different bits of it equally. That is not to say that the presenters do not know their stuff, they definitely do, however because The Ood cast is so well thought out and because of the sketches and the humour I would even go so far to say that even someone who had recently joined the Whovian fanship and had maybe only watched one or two episodes would get pleasure from this cast and understand it. 

If you have never listened to The Ood Cast before I would recommend downloading the 50th episode anniversary special from iTunes which has a fine selection of the best bits of what they do.  It is hard for me to believe that the presenters on this cast do this in their spare time and still manage to have any sort of a live outside of the Oodcast, it must take hours to write and edit the sketches but this time taken is very well spent because what the listeners get is a highly professionally written and edited show and I am quite aghast that this little nugget of Whovian loveliness hasn’t been picked up by some astute broadcaster somewhere.

Mother Who can be found on Twitter @itsmotherwho
Talking Who can be found on Twitter @talkingwho
The Ood Cast can be found on Twitter @theoodcast

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